Shanelle Gabriel

Had a 4th shoot with Shanelle Gabriel this past weekend.. We shot for the first time in October of 2007. Ironically, I had been a loyal fan of HBO's Def Poetry Jam, and Shanelle appeared on an episode that year. Unrelated, she contacted me thru Model Mayhem with a very nice message and request for a shoot collaboration. We met that October in the D.U.M.B.O. for a street shoot and have done four shoots since. Although I love the many photos from those earlier shoots, it's cool to see how things evolve as we have both honed our respective crafts.... I have been an artist and designer for years, but photography is a medium I embraced seriously only a couple of years ago. Shanelle has been a great study for me over the past couple of years. She is at ease in front of the camera; full of personality, grace, talent and heart.

This time around, we were fortunate to work with 2 people to help us enhance the look even more. Lex came on board to share his makeup chops, and Soji graced us with his styling magic.... Thanks to both... The energy, focus and 'good people' vibe, made for fun and productive day.

©Wendy Whitesell