Let there be Light(s)

I've been roosting on some money I set aside to buy professional strobe lights typically used in studio photography... I've tried to work around acquiring these because I've found them somewhat intimidating. They require a certain amount of technical know how, and just seem daunting. The weird thing is that when all the settings are correct and the exposure and placement is good, they are easy as pie to use.

Well, anyway, I bought them today! They will arrive next week, along with Pocket Wizards (wireless devices) and a light meter. I've had this mentality that I don't want lack of 'proper' equipment to get in my way of meeting my potential. I used to do that; try to do things with jerry-rigged stuff, outdated or used machines, and I still have some of that spirit, but I learned that when you invest in yourself and get what you need, the Universe follows suit. Years ago I bought brand new Mac with all the updated stuff for it. As a student, I always had an old one or a hand-me-down, and was constantly fighting issues of incompatibility or applications that didn't do some edgy task I needed to do. After all, I had everything I needed at school, why would I need it at home? But, home was where I did my personal stuff; the old equipment was always my excuse for not moving forward (I realize now.) Interestingly, the minute I bought a new, loaded computer for personal, I had an out-of-the-blue design job offer that changed the course of life.

I used to feel 'guilt' about spending money on things, a trait I inherited from my Depression baby grandmother. At that time, though, I realized there's a difference between 'buying things' and investing in yourself. If there's a tool you need whether it's a fancy sable paint brush, a great website, musical instrument, camera, or whatever.. Get it, buy it, get on with it! I now keep myself equipped with updated tools. It makes a difference in many ways.

I'm so excited about the big girl lights. Can't wait!