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Lomography Gallery Store

Lomography Gallery Store
New York is the city where you are supposed to be able to get anything at any time, unless that 'anything' happens to be camera supplies. Anyone living in New York who is afflicted with the photography bug knows that having a last minute need for a canister of film or a memory card on a Friday afternoon or Saturday can be a bit of a puzzle. The main stores and many of the smaller ones close as early as 1pm on Friday, and are not reopened until Sunday due to the Jewish sabbath. So, yesterday when the Hasselblad arrived and my film did not, I was stuck once again not only wondering what was open, but wondering where can one get 120/medium format film in NYC on a Friday at 6pm? The answer, I quickly found out, is the  Lomography Gallery Store in the West Village. While Lomography is not exactly what I am doing, the Lomo enthusiasts often shoot in 120/medium format... The store has every type of film one could want, including their own brand. There's a mesmerizing gallery of lomo photographs and endless supply of whimsical plastic cameras, Dianes in all colors, frames, and more. The staff was friendly and helpful setting me up with the film I needed as well as literature to various workshops they have, and developing services for quirky films sizes and processing. I love lomography and think it could be an inspiring side project during my re-entry into the film world. I may check it out. For now, they are a great source for film and inspiration on a Friday night in NYC, and open until 9pm! They are located on 41 W. 8th Street and are open Mon-Sat: 10:30am–9:00pm; Sun: 11:00am–7:00pm

41 W. 8th Street

The Lomography Gallery Store New York City is located in the city’s historic Greenwich Village neighborhood. Featuring the complete line of Lomographic products, accessories, and film, it’s the one-stop shop to fulfill all your Lomographic cravings! Not only is the full line of Lomographic goodies available for perusal, there is a myriad of workshops, LomoJourneys, and Lomography gatherings to attend every month. All products are on display for a hands-on experience, and knowledgeable shop staff are always there to guide you if you need assistance. 

The store offers the opportunity to touch, smell, hold, and lovingly gaze upon the object of your Lomographic desire. The extensive Lomographic product line is not the only sight to see; the Lomography Gallery Store NYC has been designed with flair by the Lomography architecture team. Vintage furniture is available for all to lounge upon while browsing through a carefully curated selection of reading material. We’ve made store displays from replicas of the original crates that the LOMO LC-A was shipped in from Russia. The store also features North America’s largest LomoWall, complete with 35,000 Lomographs on display.