I was recently inspired while watching a Jeff Bridges biography, by his use of a vintage
Wide-lux camera to document practically every movie he's been on for over 20 years. Since I can't afford one of these cameras at the moment, I decided to play around with the
panoramic aspect ratio (the exact dimensions of a
Wide-lux photo) in post production... It's a different way of seeing and inspires me to look for one of these cameras...The one below is from Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY.
"The Wide-Lux is a fickle mistress; its viewfinder isn't accurate, and there's no manual focus, so it has an arbitrariness to it, a capricious quality. I like that. It's something I aspire to in all my work --- a lack of preciousness that makes things more human and honest, a willingness to receive what's there in the moment, and to let go of the result. Getting out of the way seems to be one of the main tasks for me as an artist." –Jeff Bridges