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My friend Laura came over for an informal shoot for her birthday this weekend. Laura thinks of herself as not that comfy in front of the camera, so I had to catch her at unexepected moments. We had fun with clothes, makeup, music, and a lot of good laughs. She said it's so much work, she now understands why Kate Moss is a coke head. (With apologies to Ms Moss. lol.) Later, we went out to dinner and talked about the usual crap over pink foofey drinks; boys, work, money, dreams. It was like a Sex and the City episode minus 2 friends.

It might have been the first installment to my 'holistic photography' plan... Taking a normal person and modeling them up... It was easy with her tho... She's a natural beauty and quick to smile, so my job wasn't difficult at all. I like a couple of the photos so much, I put them in my portfolio with the *real* models :) Thanks to Laura for the fun shoot !