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The Absent Minded... Photographer

Just got back from doing a photo shoot for a friend's band.. we got off to a slow start, but everything seemed to work out okay. The preview of the pics looked great. I left the memory cards with them, but will get copies in a couple of days. We reviewed them briefly and it looked like there were a lot of good ones...

The shoot started out rocky because I had a glitch. I'm sick about it, but I'm going to make the best of it and move on... Unfortunately, I stupidly left a camera bag with some of my equipment in it, in a neighborhood restaurant. When I realized my mistake, I went back immediately to get it. I was relieved to learn they had my bag, but my heart sank to find it was empty. The good news is my camera wasn't in it when I left it behind, nor was my best lens, but I lost 2 lenses and a few minor items that will be relatively easy to replace (batteries, etc), but it made the shoot today a little different without them. I felt bad about losing my things, but it was a mistake. (A weird mistake, because I'm usually hyper aware of my stuff in public-- I cannot believe I did this.) I was happy to at least get the bag back.... The bag was somewhat of a splurge, and whoever stole my lenses didn't realize they'd probably get more money for that bag than the junk lenses they stole. I'm bummed, but it's just a setback and it could be worse.

The positive thing that came out of it, is by using rental lenses, I got to learn what I really need to buy to step up my game. Besides my one good lens that luckily didn't get stolen, I've been using cheap kit lenses that came with my camera. I need to invest in something good when money allows, and using top quality lenses today was a real eye opener. I could really see a huge improvement on my images by having exceptional lenses. It was a great learning experience. In a weird way, losing my lenses put me on a path to getting better ones... Kinda like the Universe just said, time to step up your game; enough with the crappy equipment.

At least it feels better to think about it that way.